The Rise of _________ !

Even at a Star Wars movie premier it’s hard to get kids to smile… :)

Even at a Star Wars movie premier it’s hard to get kids to smile… :)

My older boys and I went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker during Christmas break.

We loved it! We are huge Star Wars fans, so this movie (episode 9) definitely completed the saga for us. It all tied together and was fun to watch!

The movie was filled with good lines like:

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”


“My name is… Skywalker!”

This Star Wars movie deals with identity, who you are and were you come from… It’s a question we are all asking.

I always try to teach my boys about identity.

Who they ARE will determine how they will LIVE.

Who they believe themselves to be will lead them to a preferred future (or their destiny! :) )

I want my boys to wake up and feel like it’s The Rise of… Johnsen!

Not that we are anything special…but that the Johnsen family stands for something, believes in something and is going somewhere!

The Johnsen family follows Jesus and wants to join Him as he redeems (fixes) the broken things in the world.

So watch out world… here we come… it’s The Rise of… Johnsen!

What is your family rising up to do?


#StarWars #RiseofSkywalker