3 Habits I'm Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
In mid-March 2020, everyone’s daily life, routine and norms came to a screeching halt!
With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping through our world, life as we knew it hit “pause” and we needed to learn to navigate in new “norms” and circumstances.
The new normal looked like this:
The kids couldn’t go to school buildings.
Homeschooling was mandatory
Working from home was the normal
Job loss and income loss was prevalent
Church services were canceled
Spring sports were shut down
…ect… everything changed…
So, how do you respond?
Binge-watching Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+
Overeating and drinking.
I found that while everything has “changed”, the best way for me to navigate the change was to NOT change. I needed to keep, maintain and lean into the habits that lead to success in life.
Here is a shortlist of how I’ve chosen to respond… and 6 weeks in… I’m so glad I did!
3 Habits I'm Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
1) Keep an Ideal Daily Schedule
As much as possible, I try to keep a regular daily schedule. Go to bed on time (early), get up on time (early), work out, shower, breakfast with kids, Bible reading and prayer on my own and with the kids… then start a workday!
Now, I’m super blessed to have two things going my way:
One, I have an awesome wife who can lead the homeschooling charge!
Two, I have a business (appleinsurancesolutions.com) that allows me to work anywhere I have WIFI, including my “home garage office”!
Bottom Line: keeping an ideal daily schedule keeps me sane, organized, productive, encouraged and moving forward during the midst of a crisis in the world
But this does mean I have to miss out on a lot of Netflix shows. :(
I found that while everything has “changed”, the best way for me to navigate the change was to NOT change.
I needed to keep, maintain and lean into the habits that lead to success in life.
2) Financially Plan, Budget and Project
This is the time to take a look at your finances.
Whether you lost your job or have your job.
Whether you have a lot of savings or no savings.
Whether you got a government stimulus check or not…
Now is the time to relook at your finances and make a plan!
Personally, I heard about and decided to sign up for Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey. It’s amazing!
Dave and team were offering a FREE 14 day trial for the online course (which is normally $129) and it’s excellent material!
Learn the “Baby Steps”.
Mark your progress.
Automate the important things… charitable giving, savings, investing…
I can’t recommend this enough! Sign up today and “live like no one else, so you can live like no one else.”
So, here is the last personal habit I’ve been learning…
3) Prioritize Family Time
Like it or not, you are home with the people you love (or are supposed to love) the most!
So, take advantage of it!
Make new memories.
Start new daily habits.
Couples can focus on loving their spouse.
Parents can start actually training up their children to follow Jesus.
Learn a new skill together.
Play some games! (we have played a lot of monopoly)
I’m not pro… but I’m learning.
And these are the 3 Habits I'm Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic.
I hope this inspires and helps you!
Now, what’s 1 thing that you will start, continue and grow in… during this time?
Peter D Johnsen
Life. Leadership. Family.